Why is qatar an ideal jet skiing destination?
Don’t forget the life jacket
It doesn't matter whether you know swimming or not, always wear a life jacket when you go into the sea, as your life depends on it. Water adventures like jet skiing involve a certain degree of risk. According to studies, a life jacket increases your chance of survival by a huge magnitude in case of emergencies.
Listen carefully to the safety instructions
Before you jump on the jet ski, the charter manager at the yacht company will walk you through all the safety guidelines. Listen to them carefully, remember them while you are speeding on the jet ski, and apply them at each second of your journey. Don't go above the recommended speed limit and never cross over to the area in the sea where you are not supposed to go.
Learn the controls and practice in advance
This is essential. The jet ski is, after all, a vehicle. You need to master the use of some controls to turn it sideways and increase its speed. Make sure that you take a trial run with limited speed to sync your muscles with the controls. Once you are comfortable, you can up the speed and have a fun ride.
Mind the tides
You need to look out for the incoming waves when you are on a jet ski. Jet skis tend to jump up into the air when met with tides. You need to lift yourself from the seat slightly to reduce the impact of the hit on your spine.
Fall safely
If by any chance you get thrown off the jet ski, remember that there is plenty of water around you to fall on (avoid accidentally falling on hard surfaces) and that you are wearing a life jacket to make you float over the water. So, falling off the jet ski is okay most of the time.
Know the no-wake zones
There are some designated areas on the sea where vessels must keep their speed within a limit. These are called the no-wake zones. While jet skiing, you need to be aware of such areas and decelerate accordingly.
Be in your swimwear
I know what you are thinking right now, nobody is going to go jet skiing in a hoodie. Be ready to get wet while doing this activity. Water is going to splash around and your clothes are going to be soaking wet. Thus, swimwears are the best choice for jet skiers.
Don’t take significant risks
Adventures involve risk. But successfully practicing an adventure sport is all about taking calculated risks with the help of all the available safety measures. Jet skiing itself is enough adventure, please don't take any unwanted risks on top of it, and never try to imitate James Bond and Ethan Hunt.
Know your jet ski
Anyone who drives a car knows what I mean. Each jet ski is a bit different from the one next to it. So let your hands and senses sync with the jet ski before you go full throttle. This will help you ride comfortably for the entire time you have with the jet ski.
In a nutshell, jet skiing in Qatar can be the ultimate fun experience for your vacation. Enjoyment is guaranteed if you are a fan of adventures and some fun games in the sea. The most important thing to remember before going for a jet ski ride in Qatar is to stay in your comfort zone during the entire ride. Make sure to signal the security staff if you feel anything going wrong. A yacht rental service is the best place where you can find a jet ski. Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook and Instagram and share the pics and stories of your jet ski exploits in Qatar. Have a happy tour of Qatar!